Jiangsu: Province Tops Nation in Applications and Patents


Patent applications in the eastern province totaled 174,329 and approvals numbered 87,286 last year, both at the top of the list for the entire country. It was an increase of 36.19 percent and 95.73 percent, respectively, over 2008.

Local companies made 79,947 filings and received 46,976 patents, both also tops in China, up by 33.87 percent and 96.35 percent.

Applications from companies accounted for 45.86 percent of the total, while their patents awarded comprised 53.82 percent of the total in 2009.

The province's 31,801 invention patent applications represented an increase of 40.71 percent over 2008, raising Jiangsu from fourth place to second in the whole country.

More than 21 percent of the total invention patent applications came from companies.

(Source: China Daily)
