Beijing: Stringent Expo Protection Vowed on Range of Creations


Eight organizations have jointly initiated a crackdown on patent, trademark and copyright infringement related to the World Expo 2010. The campaign will last until November.

The organizations include state-level administrations for patents, copyrights, industry and commerce, customs, public security, publicity and prosecution, as well as an international trade promotional council.

The Expo scheduled to open in May is expected to attract exhibitors from more than 240 countries and regions, as well as international organizations.

Because the Expo is a showcase of worldwide innovation, the protection effort covers national exhibits, designs for exhibition halls, display stands and boards, souvenirs and artistic performances.

All are under administrative and legal protection, as are special marks of the Expo including its name, logo, theme song and slogan.

An on-site office will be established during the event to offer advice and deal with intellectual property claims.

(Source: China Daily)
