Fujian 2009: Customs Seized Goods Worth 12 Million Yuan


The customs office for Fuzhou, capital of the eastern province, investigated 293 intellectual property cases that totaled more than 12 million yuan in suspected infringing goods in 2009.

Infringement cases ranged from trademarks and copyrights to the exclusive use of the Olympics logo.

Seized goods worth 2.3 million yuan included motorcycle components, gasoline generators and pirated discs. Domestic enterprises with proprietary brands also benefited from the protective measures.

Customs officials also gave lectures and offered training to help local companies increase awareness of intellectual property rights and encouraged them to register their intellectual properties in due time.

Statistics show that 45 new intellectual properties were put on the Fuzhou customs record, the most in the country, accounting for more than a half of the nationwide customs total.

(Source: China Daily)
