Sichuan: Local Kiwi Fruit Supplants Imports


Due to the geographical indication (GI) trademark protection, the price of kiwi fruit from Dujiangyan, a city northwest of the provincial capital Chengdu, has increased by two to four yuan per kilogram and increased farmers' income.

Kiwi fruit with the Dujiangyan label has now replaced New Zealand product and dominates the Shanghai market.

Dujiangyan's $7 million in kiwi fruit exports account for more than 80 percent of the nation's total. Currently, 14 companies export the branded fruit with 30,000 local farmers growing it.

Use of a GI trademark serves as a certification that the product has certain qualities or a reputation based on its origin. Development of GI products helps to capitalize on local resources and promotes brand building of agricultural products, according to the provincial administration in charge of quality and technology supervision. Sichuan now has 56 products that carry the GI mark.

(Source: China Daily)
