SAIC Oks 61 Shanghai Expo Symbols Filing


As of now, the Trademark Office under the State Administrations for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) has approved 61 Expo symbols filing submitted by Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, including 52 pieces of word marks and 9 figurative marks.

The registered Shanghai Expo symbols are, the name, symbol and others of 2010 Shanghai World Expo candidate organization, that of Expo organization, the name, symbol, flag, mascot, anthem, words and slogans of 2010 Shanghai World Expo, and the flag of the International Exhibition Bureau as well.

The Regulation on the Protection of World Expo Logo Marks became effective on December 1, 2004, and the Measures for the Deposit of World Expo Logo was also released by SAIC on December 24, 2004, providing a legal backing to Expo filing.

(China IP News)
