Hunan Province Held IP and Foreign Trade Senior Seminar


On Dec 26th and 27th, Hunan Intellectual Property Administration and Provincial Commission of Finance jointly held the Hunan IP and Foreign Trade Senior Seminar.

The seminar invited experts, scholars from Peking University, State Ministry of Commerce, Sinopec, Huawei Co, and personnel from big enterprises who were in charge of IPR management and affairs to share their wisdom with enterprises in Hunan. They contributed their ideas on how enterprises, under the influence of the financial crisis, could draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, what measures can be adopted to effectively help those enterprises win over international market and enhance the their comprehensive competitiveness.  Experts expressed that if we want to tide over the current crisis, our enterprises must transit from processing industry to technological innovative industry. We need to make adjustment to our production and renew our way of management. Implement the IP strategy and enable enterprises to let IPR be an important boost to their competitiveness.
