Xi'an: Illegal Internet Cafes


China's Internet cafe industry associations in 30 provinces and cities - including Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Dalian, Xiamen and Guangzhou - jointly published a self-discipline declaration on "Internet cafe industry purification".

The goal is to assist government crackdowns on illegal Internet cafes and promote the healthy development of the Internet cafe industry in China, the associations reported.

The self-discipline declaration they signed said the associations would voluntarily promote the civilized operation of Internet cafes, prevent young people from abusing Internet cafes, improve the environment of Internet cafes, eliminate potential security risks and protect the legitimate rights of Chinese consumers.

In addition, the associations stated that they will resist vulgar Internet content, eliminate harmful information from the Internet, and protect intellectual property rights and copyrights to create a strong Internet environment.

The association signed the agreement in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi, earlier this month.

(Source: China Daily)
