Shenzhen:IP Workshop


Shenzhen Virtual University Park held a workshop on "IP Protection in the Amalgamation of 4C", attracting attendance from principals for the China Video Industry Association and Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Management.

The workshop also was attended by judges from courts at all levels, and intellectual property experts and scholars from home and abroad.

Representatives from TCL, Tencent and other firms attended the meeting.

Earlier, the State Council issued a "Planning on Adjusting and Revitalizing the Electronic Information Industry" document, which described requirements to expedite the process of the amalgamation of 4C (computers, communications, consumer electronics and content).

This is a plan customized to respond to a financial crisis by guaranteeing steady development of the electronic information industry and boost development of the industry.

A spokesman for the workshop's organizer, Nanshan Science and Technology Bureau, said the plan could offer a new environment for the bureau, and added that some firms have already launched 3G and 4C terminal units.

Hao Yabin, vice chairman of the China Video Industry Association, said that intellectual property in the amalgamation of 4C has created concerns, and that the workshop was necessary to discuss the protection of digital copyrights and shareholders' interests.

(Source: China Daily)
