The Asian Games IP Protection Teach-In Tour Started in Dong Guan, Guangdong Province


Recently, the Asian Games IP Protection Teach-In Tour, jointly held by Guang Zhou Asia Games Organizing Committee, Guangzhou IP Administration and Dong Guan IP Administration, began in Dong Guan.

The logo of Asia Games and franchised goods protected by law were released in the meeting; the non-commercial usage of Asia Games logo and its rules as well as related IP laws and complaint handling procedure were explained on the meeting. The teach-in also gave special attention to the introduction of coordinating work mechanism on IP enforcement in host cities Guang Zhou, Foshan, Dongguan, and Shanwei.

More than 140 representatives from Guangzhou IP Administration, Guang Zhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Guang Zhou Copyright Bureau, related IP enforcement departments, exclusive sponsor of Asia Games, suppliers, sellers, and related parties attended this teach-in.
