Zhengzhou Announces Preferred Government Procurement over Domestically-innovated Products


The Zhengzhou Patent Promotion and Protection Regulations, just approved by the local people's congress and to be effective on October 1, specifically provides for preferred government procurement over domestically-innovated patented products.

Also under the Regulations, governments in cities, counties and districts shall establish patent fund to sponsor patent filing, commercialization, right enforcement, building of early warning system, public education, training and talent nurturing. 

Some disciplinary sanctions are also prescribed in the Regulations.  For example, if a patent agency furnishes fake patent search or patent information reports, relevant earning shall be seized by patent administration and a fine doubling or tripling the earning shall be levied.  If there is no earning from the wrongful act, a fine between 5,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan shall be imposed.

(China IP News)
