SIPO and MIIT Researched SMEs' IPR Work in Sichuan


On July 13th and 14th, in order to implement NIPS and Provisions for Promoting SMEs' Technological Innovation jointly issued by twelve state ministries, delegates from Department of Patent Administration of SIPO and the Department of SMEs of Ministry of Industry Information Technology of the People's Republic of China went to Sichuang for the research and study on SMEs' IPR work.

On the meeting, participants exchanged ideas on current condition and main issues of SMEs' IPR work in Sichuan and SMEs' application of IPR system in coping with financial crisis. They also had an in-depth discussion on the draft of SIPO and MIIT's Plan on Promoting the Implementation of NIPS in SMEs. The research group had field trips in Wuhou Industrial Park, Wuhou City of Women Shoes industry cluster district and Tianfu Xingu Industrial Park.
