Ningxia: IP protection seminar


The National Copyright Administration of China, the EU-China Project on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and local authorities of Ningxia Hui autonomous region jointly held a seminar in Yinchuan on June 18 on piracy copyright protection and enforcement on the Internet.

Participants heard views from Chinese and European experts on growing trends in online infringement of copyrights and how to determine incidences of piracy as well as how to handle piracy cases.

The event is part of long-term cooperation between the EU and China on strengthening the copyright legislative framework and improving the management and enforcement of copyrights. A similar seminar was earlier held with local copyright authorities in Harbin of Heilongjiang province.

The EU-China Project, inaugurated in Beijing in November 2007 by then-EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson and former Vice-Minister of Commerce Yu Guangzhou, on enforcement of intellectual property rights in China is a four-year, 16-million-euro effort.

(China Daily 06/29/2009 page9)
