Noble Prize Winner Yang Attends Innovation Show


Yang Chen-Ning (R) listens carefully with the illustrations of the high-tech achievements exhibited. (Photo:

Noble prize winner Yang Chen-Ning made an appearance on Saturday at Yangzhou Technological Innovations Exhibition and Business Talks. He will give an academic speech at Yangzhou University on Sunday.

Altogether 1200 people participated in the exhibition, including 12 academicians. 160 high-tech achievements have also been showcased at the exhibition. What's more, 20 foreign-investment projects, 20 private-investment projects and 20 academic research cooperations have been signed at the business talks.

The Exhibition is part of the program of "2009 Flowery March International Economy & Trade Tourist Festival of Yangzhou".

Chinese-born American theoretical physicist Yang held professorships at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

