Opinion Soliciting Conference for Criteria of Patent Infringement Held in Ji'nan, Shandong


In order to unify and standardize patent administrative law enforcement and strengthen the administrative law-enforcement activities of patent administration departments, SIPO has decided to formulate criteria for the disputes of patent infringement and has assigned researches. After four months' research, the discussion group recently finish the preliminary draft.

The opinion soliciting conference for the criteria of patent infringement is recently held in Ji'nan. The competent directors of municipal IP administrations in 17 regions across Shandong Province and heads of law-enforcement departments attend the conference. Zhang Yuejin, Deputy Director of Shandong Provincial IP Administration addresses the conference.

In his speech, Mr. Zhang earnestly analyzes the situation of the current IPR protection and puts forward requirements on how to launch the work of patent administrative law enforcement and improve the career quality of law enforcers.
