Nearly 1,300 Patent Applications in Important Industrial Sci-Tech Projects Filed in Shanghai


Statistics show that Shanghai has totally filed 1,291 patent applications (Invention patents account for 74 percent.) in 56 important industrial sci-tech projects of rejuvenating the city through science and education. So far, 359 patent applications are granted. In addition, 160 copyrights being registered and 102 registered trademarks. 

Since July 2004, Shanghai has launched 56 important industrial sci-tech projects of rejuvenating the city through science and education in two batches with focuses on electronic information, important equipment, bio-pharmaceuticals, new materials and energies, aviation and spaceflight. These projects involve more than 4,000 high-end innovation talents with accumulated special financial support of 3.15 billion yuan and have brought along investment of 13.43 billion yuan, achieving 35.037 billion yuan of contractual sales volume and more than 530 million yuan of profits.

Experts point out that the implementation of the important sci-tech projects of rejuvenating the city through science and education energetically promotes sci-tech progress in key technological areas of Shanghai, boosts the industrialization of hi-tech fruits, promotes the market competitiveness of Shanghai enterprises, improves the city’s industrial structure and upgrades the energy level of Shanghai.
