Guizhou IP Administration Strengthens Market Monitoring and Launches Law-Enforcement Inspections


After the Spring Festival, Guizhou IP Administration strengthens its market monitoring and launches several law-enforcement inspections. During the period of time, law enforcers have totally inspected more than 1,000 commodities of various kinds.

Law enforcers have conducted inspections in related supermarkets, drug stores and wholesale markets in Guiyang City five times and have inspected more than 1,000 commodities of various kinds such as food, drugs, articles for daily use, stationeries and sports goods. Meanwhile, law enforcers also explain measures of identifying and administrating commodities with patent marks according to the questions raised by traders, improving their awareness and capacity of identifying products with imitated patents.

Guizhou IP Administration will organize inspection with larger scale, aiming at cracking down on patent imitations in the circulation link as breakthrough, such as commodity distributing centers, exhibitions and commercial sites.

