The First Batch of Products of Independent Innovation Declared to the Society in Qingdao


Recently, the first batch of products of independent innovation in Qingdao affirmed by Qingdao Bureau of Science and Technology and Bureau of Finance is declared to the society. After the procedures of application submission, expert appraisal and public announcement, a total of 193 products are listed in the 2008 Directory of Products of Independent Innovation of Qingdao City, including 57 products of electronic information, 91 products of advanced manufacturing, 37 products of new materials and eight products of bio-pharmaceuticals.

According to related stipulations in the Management Measures of Products of Independent Innovation of Qingdao City (Trial Implementation), products listed in the directory should be in line with the state industrial and technological policies with leading technologies or craftworks in China and stable and reliable performances. The core parts and the whole products should be independently developed. Meanwhile, the core technologies of these products should possess patents of invention or utility model, or take the lead in setting up the technical standard in China.
