Newsletters Regarding IPR: Tianjin


Flower project

Tianjin recently began to build Binhai Dongli Modern Agriculture Hi-tech Park in order to become an industry center for top grade flowers and flower hi-tech incubators in North China.

The park will concentrate on developing quality flower seeding with independent intellectual property rights and is one of the six agriculture model parks in Binhai New Area.

Relying on the technologies from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Tianjin Municipal Flower Project Technology Center, Binhai Dongli Modern Agriculture Hi-tech Park will quicken the pace of technology transformation and develop quality flower seedings with independent IP. After completion, the park can generate 39 million flower seeding, 24 million top grade pot flowers and 30 million herbaceous flowers. The park is expected to employ 5,000 farmers.

(China Daily 02/09/2009 page9)
