New Measures of Implementing the Compendium Issued in Zhejiang Courts


In order to implement the Compendium on China National IP Strategy, give full play to the roles of judicial IP protection, encourage independent innovation, serve the program of opening up to the outside world and promote the sound and fast development of IP trial in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang courts recently formulate the Measures on Implementing the Compendium on China National IP Strategy and Giving Full Play to the Guiding Roles of Judicial IP Protection, devising 30 measures in seven aspects.

The seven aspects are: Keeping the overall situation in the minds to improve the initiative of serving the constructions of an innovative country and an innovative province; justly trying cases to give full play to the adjustment and guiding roles of IP civil case trial, the punishment and prevention roles of IP criminal case trial and the examination and supervision roles of IP administrative case trial; adopting various litigation measures to provide necessary judicial remedies to right holders; intensifying compensation and punishment to right infringers to effectively restrain right-infringement activities; improving the system of trial jurisdiction to properly promote the pilot project of "three-in-one" trial reform, strengthen the communication and coordination mechanisms among courts, intensify the collaboration and coordination mechanisms among competent departments and lift the overall level of judicial IP protection; strengthening investigation and research and team construction to provide reliable organizational guarantee for strategy implementation; and intensifying the publicity efforts of the trial work to improve people's identification to judicial IP protection.

Through taking these measures, Zhejiang courts are making efforts to lift the level of judicial IP protection to the front rank nationwide and further improve and perfect the mechanism and system of IP case trial in the courts throughout the province by 2020, providing just, efficient and authoritative judicial guarantee to the implementation of the overall strategy of "enriching the people by business initiation and strengthening the province by innovation."
