Shaanxi "Intellectual Property Cup" College Industrial Design Contest Concludes Successfully


The 2008 Shaanxi "Intellectual Property Cup" College Industrial Design Contest is recently held at Shaanxi University of Science and Technology (SUST). Ten first prizes, 20 second prizes, 30 third prizes and 50 prizes of excellence are selected. Nine units such as SUST are awarded the prizes of excellent contest organization.

At the awarding ceremony, leaders such as Wei Jianfeng, Director of Shaanxi IP Administration, Yang Xingyun, Deputy Director of Shaanxi IP Administration, Zhang Xiaoping, Deputy Secretary of China Communist Youth League Shaanxi Committee, and Pan Zhongwei, Secretary of CPC SUST Committee give out the prize certificates and medals to related students and units.

Sponsored by Shaanxi IP Administration and China Communist Youth League Shaanxi Committee, the contest is held by SUST. A total of 769 works from 18 universities and colleges in Shaanxi Province attend the contest. Featuring bold innovation, all the works for the contest are connected with the science and technology of the future life and the concept of environmental protection, setting a record in terms of the quality and quantity.
