Compendium on Henan IP Strategy Issued for Implementation


According to a press conference jointly held by Information Office of Henan Provincial People's Government and Henan Provincial Office of the Leading Group of IP Strategy Work on December 8, the Compendium on Henan Provincial IP Strategy (hereafter refereed to as the Henan Compendium) is issued for implementation.

The issuance and implementation of Henan Compendium provide strong supports for better implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, improving the capacity of the whole province of IPR creation, utilization, protection and administration, constructing an innovative Henan Province and promoting the rise of the Central Plain. Henan Compendium consists of the six parts including Foreword, Guiding Ideology and Strategic Goals, Strategic Emphases and Special Tasks, Strategic Channels, Strategic Measures, and Implementation and Assessment, with contents covering the guiding policies and strategic goals of the Compendium of Henan Provincial IP Strategy, strengthening the construction of IP system and mechanisms, the strategic IP tasks in the key industries of Henan Province, the basic channels of realizing the goals of the strategic compendium and the concrete strategic measures to promote the implementation of the strategy.

Chen Yong, Deputy Secretary General of Henan Provincial People's Government points out in his speech that with the acceleration of trade liberalization and economic globalization, IP strategy has become an important strategy for the current multinationals and the world developed countries to seek and maintain their technological and economic advantages. The quantity and quality of owning independent IPRs and the capacity and the level of IP utilization have become the norms measuring the market competition capacity and the comprehensive economic strength of an enterprise, a country and a region. It is not a long time since China establishes its IP system. The IP awareness in Henan, an underdeveloped province, is comparatively weak and people in the province lack of sufficient knowledge on the importance of IPR. With the implementation of Henan Compendium and the gradual improvement of IP policy and law system, the IP work in Henan Province will be further strengthened and IP system will play greater roles in the process of constructing an innovative Henan Province.

Member units of Henan Provincial Leading Group of IP Strategy Work participate in the press conference, which is presided over by Zhang Baoshuan, Deputy Director of the Information Office of Henan Provincial People's Government. Guo Minsheng, Deputy Head of Henan Provincial Leading Group of IP Strategy Work, Director of the Office, and Director of Henan IP Administration, Du Xinzeng, Director of Henan Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, Zhou Xianzhong, Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Copyright Administration and other related leaders also answer questions from journalists on the measures of implementing Henan Compendium, increasing the number of renowned trademarks, strengthening copyright protection and so forth.

The Compendium is reviewed and passed in principle by the executive meeting of Henan Provincial People's Government on October 21.
