Regulations for the Implementation of the Patent Law (Draft) Solicits Opinions Regarding Genetic Resources Protection in Yunnan


Recently, a group of 13 people from related ministries and commissions such as SIPO, Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Ministry of Agriculture specially go to Yunnan Province to listen to the opinions of the province on the issue of genetic resources protection listed in the Amendment of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (draft) and the Amendment Draft of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (for opinion solicitation), and hold a symposium on this issue.

At the symposium, participants note that the two clauses on genetic resources protection newly added in the Amendment of the Patent Law and the statement of genetic resources protection in the Amendment Draft of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Patent Law will help connect the patent system with genetic resources protection system, implement the principles of sovereign rights, advanced informed agreement and benefit sharing established by the Convention on Biological Diversity, and related administrative departments to protect and administrate China's genetic resources. Meanwhile, participating experts also note that measures should be taken to prevent the "biological piracy" and promote China's utilization of genetic resources. To do this, we should take into full consideration the status quo of China's development of biological technology and make the genetic resources protection conforming to China's related policies that encourage the development of biological technology industry. Experts point out that related clauses and statements should be clear and easy to operate; the human-related genetic resources should be developed under control.

Leaders and experts from Yunnan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, Yunnan Provincial Health Department, Yunnan IP Administration and related departments, social organizations, colleges and universities, research institutes and enterprises participate in the symposium.
