Achievements Made in the "Thunder Storm" and "Net of the Heaven" Law Enforcement and Inspection Actions in Heze IP Administration of Shandong Province


According to the overall working arrangements and the working plans of the special actions "Thunder Storm" and "Net of the Heaven", Heze IP Administration of Shandong Province inspects the department stores and drugstores registered in the nine districts and counties of the city since mid-October. Up to date, the inspection has finished and has achieved satisfying results.

Aiming at inspecting the 669 patented products from 120 department stores and drugstores registered in various districts and counties of the city randomly, an inspection team consisting of patent law enforcers of the city and county levels inspects 29 department stores and 27 drugstores and discovers 6 cases of patent imitation. Law enforcers order people concerned to rectify their practices and put one case into record for investigation. During the action, law enforcers lay equal emphases to law enforcement activities and services. While handling the cases of patent counterfeits and imitations, they also popularize IP-related information to management personnel of these department stores and help them establish the management system of the replenishment, storage and sales of patent products.
The action helps accumulate experience for the future law-enforcement work and exposes the problems occurred during the process of law enforcement, which related personnel will solve in the future work.
