Symposium on IPR Judicial Protection Held in Jiangning District of Nanjing


The Symposium on IPR Judicial Protection of Jiangning District, Nanjing is recently held in Jiangning District People's Court, with the theme of "Judicially Protecting Rights and Encouraging Innovation". More than 20 people including leaders of CPC Jiangning District Committee and Jiangning District People's Government, heads from IP-related departments, deputies to Jiangning District People's Congress, members of Jiangning Political Consultative Conference and enterprises representatives participate in the Symposium.

During the Symposium, representatives from departments of the district such as science and technology, industry and commerce and culture, developing areas and some hi-tech enterprises discuss and deliver speeches on how to protect corporate IPRs. Participants discuss on strengthening judicial protection of IPRs throughout the district; leaders of CPC Jiangning Committee and Jiangning Government also put forward requirements on strengthening leadership of judicial safeguarding of rights and IPR protection. Meanwhile, participants attend a trial of IP dispute as visitors.

In recent years, Jiangning District attaches great importance to the construction of the capacity of IPR judicial protection. In October 2007, Jiangning District People's Court is approved by the Supreme People's Court to be one of the nine grassroots courts in Jiangsu Province that can try IP cases. In 2008, Jiangning District People's Court has accepted seven IP cases with six concluded.
