Sino-UK IP Forum Held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province


Sponsored by Zhejiang IP Research Association and the Strategic Programme Fund of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the Sino-UK IP Forum is recently held in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province. Wu Jian, Deputy Commissioner of Zhejiang IP Administration and Liu Ke, an official from British Embassy to China attend the forum.
In his speech, Mr. Wu indicates that great changes have taken place in the work of IPR protection in China. The capacities of IP system utilization of enterprises and institutions in Zhejiang Province has been improved to some extent; IP administrative law enforcement has been strengthened, which is conducive to the formation of the environment for IPR innovation, utilization, protection and administration. Right holders should increase their awareness of IPR protection so as to protect their legal rights and interests by fully using patent systems.

At the Forum, some lawyers from Britain introduce the protection scope of renowned trademarks and the outline of corporate IP strategies. Related officials from Zhejiang Higher People's Court, Zhejiang Administration for Industry and Commerce, Department of Public Security of Zhejiang Province and Administration of Press and Publication Bureau also brief on their functions of IPR protection and newly emerging problems and challenges. Participants also discuss the difficult and doubtful points during IPR protection.

Nearly 100 representatives from patent administration departments in Zhejiang, Zhejiang Higher People's Court, Department of Public Security of Zhejiang Province, People's Procuratorate of Zhejiang, Economic and Trade Commission of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Administration for Industry and Commerce, Zhejiang Copyright Administration, patent agencies and colleges and universities of the province attend the Forum. As a part of the Sino-UK cooperation program "Zhejiang IPR Protection", the Forum is financially sponsored by the Strategic Programme Fund of the FCO and held by Zhejiang IP Research Association.
