Seminar on the Principles of IP Law and of Anti-Unfair Competition Law of Germany Held in Wuhan


Recently, the Seminar on the Principles of IP Law and Anti-Unfair Competition Law of Germany is held in Wuhan. Participants conduct good exchanges on the rights of claim of trademark rights, designs, copyrights and law-enforcement measures and procedures targeting the rights of claim of unfair competition activities.

At the seminar, related people introduce the information of legislations and treaties related to IP and anti-unfair competition in Germany, including patents, utility models, copyrights and designs, trademarks and other marks, and anti-unfair competitions. The seminar also explains the general principle of IP and the principles of trademark, design and anti-unfair competition law, and introduces the protection work of trademark, copyright, design and the protection work on the basis of anti-unfair law.

The seminar is jointly held by IP Research Center of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).
