Achievements Made in the Innovative Protection Mechanism of Law-Enforcement Collaboration in Shandong Province


In the work of patent administrative law enforcement this year, Shandong IP Administration lays stresses on departmental and regional collaboration to gradually improve the province's law-enforcement and protection mechanisms of "horizontal interaction and vertical chain reaction" and intensify the effect and efforts of administrative law enforcement.

Shandong IP Administration strengthens trans-department joint law enforcement. IP administrations of provincial and municipal levels cooperate with public security setups to establish the "Joint Office of Cracking Down on IPR-Related Law Breaking and Criminal Activities"; the province also establishes the trans-regional law-enforcement collaboration system, an information network of patent administrative law enforcement covering the whole province and provincial patent administrative law-enforcement brigades to share information of the kind throughout the province. Meanwhile, Shandong IP Administration also emphasizes on theoretical researches of law enforcement.

During the special law-enforcement actions of the "Thunder Storm" and the "Net of the Heaven", Shandong IP Administration and public security departments jointly take measures to crack down on patent-related fraudulence. During the Olympic Games, Qingdao IP Administration and local administrations for industry and commerce and copyright administration departments launch five IP-related special law enforcement actions targeting the key areas such as the area around the Olympic Sailing Base and the key commodities. It also actively organizes and coordinates related departments such as administrations for industry and commerce, copyright administrations and customs to launch IP joint law enforcement in exhibitions to properly and timely deal with foreign-related right-infringing disputes.

In the past two years, Shandong IP Administration participates in the cooperation agreement of IPR protection of the six provinces (municipalities) in east China and five provinces (municipalities) circum-Bohai Sea Region, promoting the deepening of regional law-enforcement collaboration in IPR protection. The province also establishes an information network of patent administrative law enforcement covering the whole province and provincial patent administrative law-enforcement brigades to share information of the kind throughout the province. Qingdao City also establishes the joint law-enforcement mechanism with Qingdao Sub-Committee of BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad) and establishes the law-enforcement collaboration system for Olympic patent cases with Olympics hosting cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenyang; Meanwhile, Shandong also strengthens the business trainings of dispute settlement and investigation and evidence collection through collaboration this year, improving law enforcers' capacities of case handling.

Shandong IP Administration also attaches importance to theoretical researches on law enforcement. Statute of Shandong Province on IP Promotion has been listed into the legislation plan of the provincial government and currently, the statute is under formulation. The soft research project of the Research on the Necessity and Feasibility of Legislating the Statute of Shandong Province on IP Promotion has been listed into the research plans of SIPO and the province's soft research programs, and has started after approval. Qingdao also launches the legislation research work of the Measures of Qingdao City on Investigating and Dealing with Patent Infringement Activities. The Measures has been listed by the municipal government into the plans that should be finished this year.
