Advanced Training Class of New Agricultural Plant Variety IPR International Protection Held in Changsha


Jointly sponsored by China Intellectual Property Training Center and Scientific and Technological Development Center of Ministry of Agriculture, the opening ceremony of the Advanced Training Class of New Agricultural Plant Variety IPR International Protection is recently held in Changsha by Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Hunan IP Administration. Yuan Longping, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yan Chong, Deputy Director of China Intellectual Property Training Center, Zou Minsheng, Deputy Director of Hunan IP Administration and Luo Herong, Vice President of Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences attend the ceremony.

Mr. Yuan introduces the development of the research and application of hybrid rice. At the opening ceremony, Yan Chong, Zou Minsheng and Luo Herong deliver speeches respectively. Yan points out that in the Compendium on China National IP Strategy, the State Council specially stresses to establish incentive mechanisms, energetically support the cultivation of new varieties, promote the transformation of the latest achievements of plant breeding into the rights of new plant varieties, support the development of a batch of plant breeding units with rights of new plant varieties, establish and improve the technological supporting system of new plant variety protection, accelerate the formulation of the guide on new plant variety tests, improve examination and test levels, reasonably adjust the interest relations among resource suppliers, breeders, producers and operators, protect farmers' legitimate rights and interests, increase plant breeding units' awareness of new plant variety protection so as to benefit plant variety right holders, variety producing and sales units and new variety using units.

Many experts, scholars and related heads of China Intellectual Property Training Center, Scientific and Technological Development Center of Ministry of Agriculture, the court setups and institutes of high learning fully illustrate the topics such as China's national IP strategy, research on the time selecting of the text of China's entry to UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) Convention in 1991, the inspiration of overseas systems of new plant variety protection to China, practices of applying agricultural plant variety rights, research on China's going-global strategy of seed breeding industry and judicial protection of new plant varieties.

Nearly 100 people including personnel with senior professional titles in the academies of agricultural sciences nationwide and high-level officials of seed administrative organs in charge of foreign-related agricultural units and enterprises, and related people of SIPO, attend the training class.
