Shaanxi IP Administration Launches Patent Administrative Law-Enforcement Inspection at the 15th Yangling CAF


During the 15th China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair (CAF), Shaanxi IP Administration establishes a special team for patent administrative law-enforcement inspection to supervise patented products and technologies at the fair and deal with different cases found during the inspection.

During the inspection, a company exhibits a portable steam cleaner (product model: FE-2168A) with the mark "Patented Product, Imitation Prohibited" on the packaging boxes, but fails to show related certificates. Law enforcers instruct the company to remove related publicity information immediately. Some companies' showcases display photos of various patent certificates but cannot offer related materials, law enforcers put forward clear requirements on related regulations of patented product exhibition and instruct them to rectify their practices. Meanwhile, during the inspection, law enforcers find a famous tea enterprise of Shaanxi Province labels its expired number of patent of design on its information materials. Law enforcers criticize and educate the related people from enterprise and order them to stop handing out the information materials and make rectification measures.

The special inspection of patent administrative law enforcement this year highlights the characteristic of information publicity service. During the process of law enforcement and inspection, law enforcers also publicize related law information, put forward handling opinions, point out rectification measures and combine law enforcement with services, receiving applauds from exhibitors being inspected.

The inspection results show that with the increase of IP awareness of the social public, the number of patented products exhibited at the Fair increases year by year and the new problems and new situations during the patent administrative law enforcement also emerge constantly, putting forward new topics and requirements for Shaanxi IP Administration in its work of patent administrative law enforcement.
