Wuhan 12312 Center Helps Crack an Online Right-Infringement Case


Together with local public security department, Xiangfan Copyright Administration recently investigate and handle the online copyright infringement case of e7kao website, and detained 15 compatible computers, one server and nine bank cards used for the infringement. The criminal suspect with a surname of Wang is also detained by the police. This is the first online right infringement case successfully cracked with the help of Wuhan 12312 Center of Hubei Province.

According to a complaint from a company received by Wuhan 12312 Center in April this year, the e7kao website (www.e7kao.com) provides materials such as the videos, teaching materials and exercises of the courseware, which are developed by the company's subordinate online accounting school (www.chinaacc.com) with complete IPR, to its users for the purpose of gaining profits without authorization, severely infringing the company's IPRs and exerting negative influences to the school's student recruitment and operation.

Upon receiving the complaint, Wuhan 12312 Center immediately contacts related head of the company and inquires detailed information on the right infringement and other information. After that, the Center transfers the clue to Wuhan Copyright Administration. After investigation, Wuhan Copyright Administration finds that the server of e7kao is in Xiangfan City of Hubei Province. Wuhan 12312 soon contacts Hubei Provincial Office of IPR Protection and successfully transfers the complaints to Xiangfan Copyright Administration and informs related information to the complainant.

Receiving the clue, Xiangfan Copyright Administration immediately establishes a working team and put the case on file for investigation. With the deepening of the investigation, copyright law enforcers collect a large amount of evidences from the website suspected of right infringement and invites notaries to record all the process of evidence collection. Evidences show that e7kao is suspected of infringing the copyrights of 10 text works and 530 video products, totaling 540 works with 30,887 downloads. After repeated research, Xiangfan Copyright Administration authenticates the above-mentioned works. According to the Provisional Regulations on Strengthening Dovetailing and Coordination in Cracking Down on Delinquency and Crime of Copyright Infringement issued by Ministry of Public Security and National Copyright Administration of China, Xiangfan Copyright Administration transfers the case to Xiangfan Public Security Bureau. On June 19, Xiangfan Public Security Bureau formally puts the case in file for investigation and names the case "6.19" Online Copyright Infringement Case. The suspect with a surname of Wang is detained by Xiangfan police in Wuhan. Fifteen compatible computers, one server and nine bank cards are also detained. This indicates a breakthrough in the detection work of Xiangfan Copyright Administration and Xiangfan Public Bureau. Currently, "6.19" Online Copyright Infringement case has entered the judicial procedures and Xiangcheng District People's Procuratorate plan to institute legal proceedings against the suspect.
