Outstanding Achievements Made in Exhibition IP Service by Tianjin 12312 Center


During the International Exhibition of Sea Water Desalination Technologies and 2008 Tianjin Sci-Tech Expo on Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Tianjin 12312 IPR Report and Complaint Center launches the work of exhibition IP services and has made outstanding achievements.

During the exhibitions, staff members of the center directly distribute more than 200 copies of information materials to every exhibitor and professional visitors so as to extensively publicize IPR protection. Through launching special actions of exhibition IPR protection, the center plays a promotion role in improving IPR protection awareness of exhibitors and professional visitors and energetically cracking down on IPR infringement activities, which are conducive to promoting the formation of the sound atmosphere of the whole society further respecting IPRs and maintaining market order.

The goals of the center's work in this regard are to intensify the awareness of exhibition IPR protection, effectively restrain IPR infringement activities during exhibitions, standardize exhibition market order, create the fair competition environment and improve the administration level of the exhibition industry.
