Outstanding Achievements Made in "Thunder Storm" and "Net of Heaven" Actions in Henan Province


Henan IP Administration has made outstanding achievements in IP-related law-enforcement special actions in the past year, effectively restraining IPR infringements and patent fraudulences. By September, IP administrations throughout the province has totally handled 54 cases of IP disputes and dealt with 31 cases of patent counterfeits and imitations, with money involved reaching 6 million yuan. More than 1,000 law enforcers have participated in more than 50 special law-enforcement actions.

By September, IP administrations throughout the province has totally handled 54 cases of IP disputes and dealt with 31 cases of patent counterfeits and imitations, with money involved reaching 6 million yuan. More than 1,000 law enforcers have participated in more than 50 special law-enforcement actions; more than 100 law enforcers cooperate with the public security departments during the actions, effectively cracking down on the swollen arrogance of law breakers and criminals, and basically restraining the rising trend of group infringements. Henan IP Administration actively takes the lead in dealing with cases of patent disputes and directly handles eight patent-related cases. Related heads lead law enforcers to many cities such as Pingdingshan, Luoyang, Zhoukou and Zhengzhou to deliver legal documents, introduce patent-related laws and regulations to people involved and organize case trials; they also go to Luohe, Pingdingshan, Zhoukou, Shangqiu, Zhumadian and Xuchang to investigate and urge law-enforcement work, help resolve problems related to these cases and guide IP administrations in various cities under the jurisdiction of the province to launch the special actions of "Thunder Storms" and "Net of Heaven"; It also actively communicates with courts and public security departments to promote the smooth operation of the two special actions, actively stations various exhibitions and fairs to coordinate various IP departments and launches exhibition IP law enforcements according to patentees' reports. It has handled four cases of suspected patent infringements during exhibitions. According to complaints from Patent Protection Association of China and patentees, Henan IP Administration also issues the Notice on Supervising and Urging the Handling of the Suspected Case of Group Patent Infringement of "Mold of Hollow Floor and Core System" to related cities, starting to crack down on the activities of group patent infringements to maintain normal market competition. It also formulates a series of framework documents such as the Provisional Measures of Henan Province on IP Legal Assistance. Currently, China (Henan) Legal Assistance Center of IPR Protection has been established, which will actively promote the further protection of IPRs and to safeguard patentees' legal rights and interests.

Under the ideology of planning as a whole, IP administrations in related cities formulate the implementation plans of launching the special actions of "Thunder Storm" and "Net of Heaven" according to the real situations in various regions under the leadership of Henan IP Administration, and actively deploy the special actions.

During the process of operating "Thunder Storm" and "Net of Heaven" special actions, Henan IP Administration not only pays attention to the actions themselves to create the environment of IPR protection, but also lays stress on mediating in some cases and tries to help people involved to amicably settle down the disputes so as to promote harmonious development. While launching various law-enforcement work, leaders of provincial and municipal IP administrations attach great importance to IP-related law-enforcement work to create a sound IP law-enforcement environment throughout Henan Province. "Thunder Storm" and "Net of Heaven" actions have achieved prominent effect with the rights and interests of IPR holders being protected. The effect of "one case educating a batch of people" has emerged and the social atmosphere of respecting other people's IPRs and safeguarding their own IPRs has been formed.
