Zhejiang Copyright Trade Book Exposition Held in Europe


Zhejiang Copyright Bureau and the Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government recently held the "Zhejiang Copyright Trade Book Exposition" in Spain and Italy. Over 3,000 kinds of books published by 13 publishing houses in the province were exhibited.

It is the first time for Zhejiang Copyright Bureau to hold a copyright trade book exposition in Europe as a group. Headed by Shan Lie, Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Administration of Press and Publication (Copyright Bureau), the delegation consists of 21 members from related publishing houses, distribution units, book foreign-trade companies in Zhejiang and related departments and divisions of the Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government.

While in Europe, the delegation visits Grupo V,S.L.U. in Spain and SIAE Publishing Group in Italy, conducts extensive exchanges and copyright trade negotiation with counterparts in publishing circles in Spain and Italy, signs a batch of contracts of copyright and book trades, participates in Barcelona International Book Fair, organized the ceremony celebrating the first publication of the book Traveling Through Barcelona, and attends the party held by Association of Zhejiang Townsmen in Barcelona. These activities increase the influences of Zhejiang Province and the province's books in Europe, further expand the vision of Zhejiang publishing circle, deepen mutual understandings between Zhejiang publishing circle and its counterparts in Spain and Italy, strengthen cooperation and enhance friendship. The activities have achieved prominent results and plenty of fruits.
