Xiamen IP Administration Holds Cross-Straits IP Seminar


Recently, Xiamen IP Administration, Xiamen University IP Academy and the Institute of Intellectual Property of Taiwan National Chengchi University jointly hold the "Cross-Straits Seminar on IP Strategy and Talent Training." More than 100 people including experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and governmental officials in IP sector in Taiwan and Chinese mainland attend the seminar.

At the Seminar, Professor Paul Changbin Liu, Director of the Institute of Intellectual Property of Taiwan National Chengchi University delivers a special speech entitled "Strategies of IPR Protection, Administration and Utilization." Professor Liu makes a profound and vivid exposition of international IP developing trends, IPR administration, IP value chain and IP strategy, and analyses the successful experience and important cases in developed countries. Mr. Paul S. P. Hsu, Part-Time Professor of the Institute of Accounting Management of Taiwan National Chengchi University and Lin Xiuqin, Deputy Director of Law School of Xiamen University also give speeches entitled "Cross-Strait International Opportunities and Challenges," and "the Status Quo of IP Graduate Education in Chinese Mainland" respectively.
