Chinese-Foreign Symposium on "IPR System and Protection" Held in Ji'nan


The Chinese-foreign symposium on "IPR System and Protection" is held on October 15 in Ji'nan. A total of 69 officials in charge of IPR administration from 42 countries participate in the symposium for view exchange. Related leaders from Shandong IP Administration, Shandong Administration for Industry and Commerce and Shandong Copyright Bureau attend the symposium.

While introducing Shandong's overall economic and social development, Li Aimin, Director of the Office of Shandong Provincial IP Working Conference, as well as the Director of Shandong IP Administration stresses on the experience and achievements made in the province's IP work in the sectors of IPR creation, administration, protection and utilization, and the next-stage plan of the IP development. Meanwhile, he expresses his hope of strengthening exchanges and cooperation with IP departments in various countries to promote the development of IP work.

At the symposium, Chinese and foreign IP experts have extensive exchanges on affairs of both concern such as IPR administration and protection.
