The Compendium of Shaanxi IP Strategy Passed


Shaanxi Governor Yuan Chunqing recently presides over the 27th executive meeting of Shaanxi Provincial Government. The meeting reviews and approves the Compendium of Shaanxi IP Strategy (2008-2020).

Mr. Yuan fully affirms the achievements made in the IP work in Shaanxi Province, pointing out that the establishment and implementation of the IP system symbolize the mature market-oriented economy and legal environment, as well as the important content of the improved investment environment. Formulating and implementing the Compendium of Shaanxi IP Strategy (2008-2020) are conducive to improve the capacity of IPR creation, application, protection and administration, promoting better and faster transformation of the scientific and technological resources in Shaanxi and serving the economic and social development of the province.

Mr. Yuan points out that though Shaanxi has made great achievements in IP work, the work is still not worthy of a great scientific and technological province. To implement Shaanxi IP strategy, we should first strengthen our IPR creation. Through promoting various works in a down-to-earth manner and fully mobilize forces from all walks of the life in the society, we can improve IPR creation capacity and increase our IPR production. Secondly, we should increase our IPR awareness. Measures should be taken to stimulate people's creation potentials by providing effective channels through related measures. Third, efforts should be made to strengthen IPR application so as to enable IPR to serve the economic and social development and meet people's increasingly demands in material, culture and life. This can promote the economic development of the whole province more directly. Fourth, we should strengthen our efforts of IPR protection so as to try to protect right holders' interests and create a sound investment environment. Fifth, we should strengthen our efforts to publicize IP-related information. We should respect knowledge, talents and, most importantly, respect IPR; respecting IPR actually means respecting knowledge and talents. We should establish the IPR protection awareness throughout the whole society.

He finally stresses that after the Compendium of Shaanxi IP Strategy (2008-2020) is passed, Shaanxi IP administration should grasp the opportunity to promote the implementation work of the Compendium of Shaanxi IP Strategy (2008-2020). Related people should go deep into enterprises to strengthen IP work so as to transform more scientific and technological fruits into reality productivity and change Shaanxi from a great scientific and technological province to an economic power.
