More Than 4,000 Copies of Illegal Publications Confiscated in Yunfu, Guangdong Province During the National Day Holiday


During the National Day Holiday, cultural department of Yunfu City, Guangdong Province inspects the culture and publication markets, confiscating more than 4,000 copies of illegal publications.

Copyright bureau of Yunfu City conducts the tour inspection in day time and regular inspection at nights, integrates the cultural law-enforcement teams of the municipal and district levels into different groups to inspect culture markets in the urban areas in day time and at nights in turn; meanwhile, it also appoints law enforcers to be on duty in shift to close the loopholes of illegal operation time in culture market.

Statistics show that the city total launched more than 180 law-enforcement operations, inspects 125 cyber cafes, 98 entertainment venues, 175 audio-video shops and 142 publication operation units during the National Day holiday, confiscating 126 illegal audio-video products and more than 4,000 copies of illegal publications, including the Mark Six News.
