Independent Innovation and IPR Protection, Highlights of the 18th East China Fair


The five-day long fair was just closed days ago in Shanghai New International Expo Center, when an IPR office was set up by Shanghai IP Administration, providing Patent Law consulting service, accepting and dealing with patent disputes.

In the five days, the office has settled 16 such cases on sight, including 11 for new models of design and 5 appearance designs. All of these exhibits suspected infringing other's IPR were moved out the fair.

Under the pressure of evaluation of Chinese currency and increasingly more competition, to increase added value by innovating ideas or adding more IP elements came to be more and more popular. More than 700 known brands and enterprises attended the fair, some 20,000 products produced with new technologies and techniques were shown in the air, indicating more concerns to IPR and independent innovation.

The 100,000 sq.m.-big exhibition hall accommodated 5,346 standard stands, attracting 188 companies.
