Wuhan Named as Second National IP Model City


As a result of two-year's effort, Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, was granted as National IP Model City on Nov. 29th, when an awarding ceremony was held in the city. Zhang Qin, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, granted a tablet inscripted National IP Model City to Li Xiansheng, Mayor of Wuhan, thus the city became the second one in China winning the reputation after Chengdu.

Wuhan has made dramatic achievement in IP field since June 2005, when the city was appointed by SIPO as one of candidates of Natioinal IP Model City. Since then, its IP working mechanism has been further improved, its IPR ownership dramatically increased, IPR protection and utilization upgraded, and so has been the training IP professionals and publicity of IP awareness.

The evaluation group for National IP Model City believed that Wuhan's measures in IP were quite effective, and its experience should be learnt by other cities in China.
