New Progress Made in IP Criminal Judicial Protection in Zhejiang in the First Half of 2007


Statistics show that Zhejiang's public security agencies totally handled 144 cases of IP infringements in the first six months of 2007, with 128 cases being investigated and 85 cases being solved. A total of 131 crime suspects were investigated, involving more than 48.62 million yuan and retrieving economic losses of over 21.31 million yuan.

While conscientiously implementing its function of criminal judicature and strengthening its efforts in fighting against criminals, Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department (hereafter, the Department) make persistent endeavors in its basic work of IP judicial protection.

First, the Department actively participated in the activity of IP Publicity Week. At the IPR Protection Press Conference of Zhejiang Province jointly held by the Office of Zhejiang Provincial IPR Leading Group and the Office of Rectification and Standardization of Market Economic Order, the Department introduced the achievements made by the province's public security agencies in IPR protection in 2006 and their working measures this year. At the IPR protection activity televised by held by the Office of Rectification and Standardization of Market Economic Order, the Department briefed on its actions and measures in cracking down on IPR infringements and related punishment norms. At the activity of "Zhejiang-U.S. California IPR Forum and Cooperative Dockings for Enterprises" under the auspice of Zhejiang IP Administration, the Department specially talked about China's criminal judicature's stipulation on business secrets and public security agencies' detailed practice in this regard.

Second, the Department established communication-point system between the police and enterprises. It actively connected Zhejiang Provincial Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau and Zhejiang IP Administration for more information about the province's more than 60 enterprises with well-known brands and selected Hangzhou Wahaha Group, Ningbo Fotile Group, Wenzhou Baoxiniao Garment Co. Ltd., Taizhou Feiyue Sewing Machine Co. Ltd., and Lishui Nice Group to be its five connection points of IP protection for the Department of Economic Crime Investigation of the Ministry of Public Security.

Third, the Department also cooperates with related departments in researching IPR protection.

In June when the Special Symposium of Rectifying and Standardizing Market Economic Order and Strengthening IPR Protection was held by the Organization Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of CPC, the Department of Personnel of Zhejiang Province and the Office of Rectification and Standardization of Market Economic Order, the Department held a training course for related leaders of the province's 11 municipal-level public security bureaus and invited Gao Feng, Deputy Director General of Economic Crime Investigation Department of the Ministry of Public Security, to give a special lecture for them.
