Guangdong Applied for 746 Intellectual Properties for Its 288 Innovation Achievements


On July 30, a total of 288 technological and scientific innovation projects were awarded the Prizes for Science and Technology Progress of Provincial Level at Guangdong Provincial Sci-Tech Award Conference, including two special awards and 31 first prizes. The 288 scientific and technological innovation projects have applied for 746 patents and intellectual properties, with 257 being granted. All together, these innovation projects have increased profit and tax by more than 14 billion yuan, earned more than $482 billion of foreign exchanges and cut expenditures of more than $13 billion.

According to Li Xinghua, Director General of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, these scientific and technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights have made remarkable progress in terms of professional level and utilization effect, greatly lifting Guangdong's sci-tech comprehensive strengthen and international competitiveness and supplying vigorous supports for the acceleration of constructing an innovative Guangdong Province.

The 288 achievements cover every industry and every sector of national economy, playing an important role in increasing agricultural efficiency and farmers' revenue, and contributing greatly to the solution of the problems of agriculture, countryside and farmer. Meanwhile, these achievements resolve some great technological problems in environment, energy and material realms. Of the 288 projects, 58 percent are completed totally or partly by enterprises, indicating that enterprises have become Guangdong's major force in the innovation program. In addition, some innovative enterprises such as Dazu Laser Technology and TCL also maintained technological innovation achievements, which have greatly improved their core competitiveness.

Of the prize-winning achievements, 37 percent are in social development sector such as food security, information security, energy, environmental protection and medicare, 84 achievements fall in the catalogue that combining production, learning and research, and 263 achievements belong to application technology.
