Special Meeting on IP Protection Held in Beijing


Recently, Beijing Municipal Government held a special meeting, discussing the upcoming Suggestions on Further Strengthening the Patent Promotion Work in Beijing (hereafter, the Suggestions) and other works related to IP protection. Wang Qishan, Mayor of Beijing and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, presided the meeting. Executive Vice Mayor Ji Lin, Vice Mayor Zhao Fengtong, Sun Anmin and Lu Hao attended the meeting and gave instructions on detailed works.

At the meeting, participants noted that IP protection is the necessary work for the capital to construct an innovative city. Related department should attach great importance to IP protection and strengthen their works in this regard. Measures should be taken to continuously increase their capacity in deal with foreign-related IP affairs, further strengthen their IP publicity to foreign countries, and improve the preventive system and remedial system, so as to timely resolve the problems related to IP protections, indicate the government's value orientation and establish a sound image of the capital.

The Suggestions intend to further encourage Beijing enterprises to participate in international competition on the basis of their patents, promote the output and utilization of Beijing's intellectual property, continuously lift the core competitiveness of the capital's industrial development and accelerate the process of constructing an innovation city. Through using the experiences of IP protection of other countries for reference and in light with the reality of Beijing's economic development and intellectual resources environment, measures should be taken to highlight the establishment and improvement of the innovative policy system and working system oriented by IP protection. While stressing on the application, distribution and utilization of enterprises' overseas patents, governmental departments should further play their leading roles in forming key industrial IP utilization alliances around the high-tech development of Zhongguancun Science Park, initiating the project of assimilating and re-creating non-Chinese patents and actively promoting the work of IP technology standardization.

The Suggestions were adopted at the meeting in principle and will be publicized soon.
