Leaders of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress Inspected the IP Legislation Work


Recently, Executive Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress Zhuang Lixiang and Deputy Director Li Huanan visited Shenzhen Intellectual Protection Administration (SIPA), listened to related suggestions and gave instructions on the legislation work of the drafted Statute of Shenzhen on Severely Cracking Down on IP Violation (hereafter, the Statute).

Xu Youjun, Director of SIPA, reported the preparation work of investigation and research of the Statute, solicitation of opinions and drafting of the Statute to the leaders from the Standing Committee of Shenzhen People's Congress. Meanwhile, Xu also introduced the 10 major works for his administration in the second half of 2007.

Zhuang fully affirmed SIPA's outstanding achievements. He pointed out that it is very important to protect intellectual property rights in the new era. Chinese enterprises would face great challenges during the program of going global, and IP protection would serve as the basic guarantee and important breach of the program implementation. According to him, it is necessary for Shenzhen to do well in IP protection since the city has the advantages and conditions in this regard. Through strengthening legislation, the special economic region may, under the principle of abiding by China's laws and regulations, make a breakthrough in resolving the concrete and realistic problems in IP violations such as guiltiness declaration, evidence collecting and citing, departments coordination and the validity of e-evidences. Zhuang stressed that the legislation process should be creative, feasible and useful, and the process of drafting the Statute should be accelerated and it should be submitted to the session of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen People's Congress in November for the first instance.

In order to promote the legislation process of the Statute, the Standing Committee of Shenzhen People's Congress has decided to participate in legislation work ahead of schedule. It established a legislation coordination working group, headed by Zhuang. Under the working group, a drafting team, headed by Chen Di, Director of the Law Committee of Shenzhen People's Congress, and consisting of the Municipal Legal Office, SIPO and judicial organ, is responsible for drawing up the Statute.
