Innovation and Protection for Intellectual Property Became a Hot Spot of the 2007 China International Consumer Electronic Expo


Recently, the 2007 China International Consumer Electronics Expo was successfully held at the International Convention Centre of Qingdao City, Shandong Province.  Innovation and protection for intellectual property became the hot spot of this year's Expo.

Efforts for the protection of intellectual property were intensified. Contracts on the protection for intellectual property were signed by and between the organizing committee of the Expo and the participating firm, in which, it was clearly stipulated that the participating firm must guarantee its products on display having legitimate intellectual property right (patent, copyright, trademark, etc.) or right of authorization, that guarantee having the intellectual property right for issuing the advertisement content in the official publications and sites of the Expo and also that the contents of advertisement conform to the relevant stipulations of the law. During the Expo, a team on the protection for intellectual property work was set up by the Qingdao City IP Administration jointly with the local branch of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the copyright organ and the customs office, to specially take charge of the work for the protection of intellectual property of the Expo.

It is learnt that, closely centering around the development trend of the global consumer electronic industry, this year's Expo had attracted 430 enterprises from the electronic chain of the world, of which, 112 were enterprises from overseas. The innovation and application intensity of independent intellectual property of the domestic participating firms were universally strengthened after taking part in this year's Expo.

It is reported that this year's Expo has also organized forums and seminars pertaining to the protection for intellectual property, at which, the license of patents of the Chinese electronic enterprise, the exhaustion of the patent right and other issues were discussed, in order to let the enterprises know and respect intellectual property as well as to learn how to safeguard the intellectual property of the enterprises. In addition, experts from the U.S. law firms were specially invited by the Expo to lecture on the latest information of the intellectual property area in the world and to know the essentials and skills in answering the IPR challenges and guide the enterprises on how to establish patent combination and also get benefit therein.
