IP Administrations Established in All Districts and Counties of Neijiang City, Sichuan Province


The Organization Committee of Longchang County, Sichuan Province decided recently to establish the Intellectual Property Administration of Longchang County.  It marks the establishment of IP Administrations in all districts and counties in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province.

It is reported that in response to the national call for an enhanced independent innovation and the building of an innovation-oriented nation, a goal set out in related documents of the National Meeting of Science and Technology, Neijiang City has made great efforts to adapt itself to the rapid progress of IP protection by improving the IP management system.  The Comments on the Further Enhancement of IP Protection by the Neijiang City Government was issued to push counties and districts in the region to pay more attention to IP-related work.  Against the backdrop a new round of downsizing governmental agencies and staff, the establishment of county or district IP administration demonstrates the commitment of the local party committees and governments to meeting the requirements of its economic and social progress and the growing IP cause by stepping up the IP management system.

The establishment of county or district IP administrations in Neijiang City will contribute to the improved local IP management and the protection of legitimate rights and interests of technological professionals and inventors, fueling the independent innovation, and the comprehensive and sustained economic growth and social progress in Neijiang.
