The IP Administration of Henan Province to Organize IP Management and Protection Survey


The IP Administration of Henan Province decided recently to conduct a survey on IP management and protection of 100 key industrial businesses, 50 high-growth enterprises and other representative businesses in Henan in their major economic activities and technological initiatives.

To ensure that this survey will obtain truthful information from these businesses, the IP Administration of Henan Province designated experts to prepare the Questionnaire of IP Management and Protection in Major Economic Activity and Technological Initiatives in line with the status of IP protection by businesses in the province and defined tasks of each city.

This survey will be centrally lead by the IP Administration of Henan Province and implemented by the IP Administrations of cities under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. These municipal IP Administrations will then define roles and responsibilities of each sub-administration and assign designated personnel to conduct the survey. The surveyed organizations will complete the Questionnaire of IP Management and Protection in Major Economic Activity and Technological Initiatives and submit them to the provincial IP Administration before July 10, 2007.
