The First Arbitral Institution for IP and Technology Contract is Established in China's Western Region


Recently, the arbitration center for IP technology and contract disputes under Weinan Arbitration Committee of Shaanxi Province was established.

It was learned that this is the first arbitral institution for IP and technology contract disputes in China's western region since the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China became effective as of 1995.  Henceforward, cases relating to IP and technology contract disputes in Shaanxi Province, China's western region and even across the country will be settled in a more speedy, professional and efficient way.

The purposes of the newly-established content are: to settle IP and technology contract disputes in a fair, speedy and efficient way and to promote the rapid development of the IP undertaking.  Its objective is to provide professional, rapid and effective legal service for cases of IP and technology contract disputes.  The client is required to include the clause "Both parties agree that disputes shall be submitted to the Weinan Arbitration Committee for arbitration" only in the contract.  Once a dispute occurs, the client may choose not only a professional arbitrator but  also the contents that fit in with the specific disputes, such as the arbitral proceeding and the place of arbitration.

Along with economic globalization, IP will play a more prominent role in the economy, technology and society.  Hence, the daily increase of the number of disputes related to IP.  As the intelligent content and confidentiality of IP is high, settling of disputes also require the strongest technicality, professionism and rapidity.  Due to the inadequacy of the traditional modes in settling the disputes and being an independent system for settling social and economic disputes, arbitration is characterized by professionism, confidentiality and the first arbitral award being final.

Recently, the Weinan Arbitration Committee is earnestly employing the prestigious and fair IP and technology contract experts from the Province, the entire country and overseas as its arbitrators.
