IP Forum for the International Fair in the Central and the Western Regions of China is Held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province


On the morning of May 25, 2007, the 8th Session of the IP Forum for the International Fair in the Central and the Western Regions of China was held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province.  Wang Jinzhen, Vice-president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Qiao Renyi, Deputy Secretary-general of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, Li Gang, Vice-president of the Sichuan Chapter of the CCPIT and Wang Daowei, Deputy-director of the Sichuan Provincial IP Administration were present at the opening ceremony of the Forum.

The themes of this Forum are: encouragement for innovation as well as how to use the legal means to protect the intellectual property right and promote the creation of fortune.  The main topics included: how to obtain patent right in China and abroad under the backdrop of global economic integration, how to obtain trademark protection and how to select the optimum approach for the settlement of disputes in case they occur in the IP area.  Coupled with typical and practical case studies, the experts' speeches provided an all-dimensional and constructive guidance to the participating enterprises.  Besides, representatives from the well-known brands' enterprises were also invited by the Forum to share their experiences with the participants on brand protection.

It was learned that this Forum was sponsored by the CCPIT and the Sichuan Provincial People's Government and jointly undertaken by the Sichuan Chapter of CCPIT and the Provincial IP Administration.  About 100 corporate senior managerial personnel, government officials and lawyers attended the Forum.
