Forum on IPR Protection For Foreign Investment Enterprises is Held in Jiaxing City


A few days ago, the Forum on the IPR Protection Work for Foreign Investment Enterprises which was sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial IP Administration and the Provincial Economic and Trade Department and undertaken by the Jiaxing IP Administration and the Jiaxing Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau was convened in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province.  Jiang Xinliang, Deputy-director of the Jiaxing  Science and Technology Bureau and Ma Hongtao, Deputy-director of the Jiaxing  Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau attended the forum.  Fu Duer, Deputy-director of the Provincial Foreign Economic and Trade Department and Zhang Zhijun, Director of the Provincial IP Administration also attended the forum and respectively delivered important speeches.

In the forum, Guo Xin-liang, Chief of the Foreign Capital Division, Provincial Economic and Trade Department and Wu Jian, Deputy-director of the Provincial IP Administration gave an account respectively on the development of foreign investment enterprises in Zhejiang Province and the IPR protection mechanism in Zhejiang Province as well as the achievements of the province in terms of IPR protection.  Representatives from the Jiashan Jangsoo Stone-bed Co., Ltd, Jiaxing Eunsung Electric Co., Ltd,  NIDEC-SHIMPO(Zhejiang) Corporation, Kanto Tatsumi Electronics (Pinghu) Co., Ltd,  Jiaxing Ri Jie Hua Ornament and Construction Materials Co., Ltd, and other Japanese and ROK investment enterprises were active in taking the floor.  In their statements, the representatives shared their experiences on IPR protection work and also extended their thanks to the government departments for their concern, support and guidance in protecting the IPR of foreign investment enterprises.  Representatives from some enterprises reflected the problems they had encountered in IPR protection and also put forward some suggestions on how to continuously doing a good job for IPR protection on the part of the government departments. Zhang Zhijun and Wu Jian, Director and Deputy-director of the Provincial IP Administration respectively and Lu Wenge, Deputy-chief of the Administration's Law Enforcement Division earnestly heard the remarks made by the representatives of the foreign investment enterprises.  The Chinese officials conducted an interflow and communication with the representatives, answered the questions and perplexities raised by the participants and also made suggestions on how to effectively protect IPR.

This Forum played an important role in further enhancing the consciousness of the foreign investment enterprises for protecting their legitimate rights and interests in Jiaxing City, optimizing the investment and pioneering environment and maintaining a steady market competition order.  Representatives from the 20 Japanese and the ROK investment enterprises took part in the meeting.
