Dalian Launched Online Public Welfare IP Publicity Event for Primary and Secondary Schools


For the purpose of cultivating the IP protection awareness of teenagers and stimulating their innovative spirit, in combination with the requirements of the actual situation of the COVID-19 prevention and control, Dalian Administration for Market Regulation (Dalian Intellectual Property Bureau), Dalian Education Bureau, DUT School of Intellectual Property and other institutions jointly launched the “Online Course on Intellectual Property for Primary and Secondary Schools” public welfare event.

The event was a part of the IP Publicity Week 2020 events, which was aimed to popularize basic IP knowledge, mobilize the innovation consciousness of primary and secondary school students and stimulate their innovative thinking. Master supervisors of DUT School of Intellectual Property imparted basic IP knowledge to city-wide primary and secondary school students via the Online Education Platform for Primary and Secondary Schools of Dalian City, popularized IP systems of copyrights, patents and trademarks and introduced the leading and promoting role of IP in innovation in an easy-to-understand way to students. There was also award-winning quiz after class to further mobilize students’ passion for learning, which played an important role in popularizing IP knowledge.  (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
